What is a Mortgage Capacity Report?

The mortgage capacity report is a detailed investigation into what level of mortgage you are likely to be successful in obtaining. It will also compare this level of maximum borrowing with the amount of mortgage you can afford to maintain.
- Reliable – The assessment is more reliable than a visit to your bank or by using one of the many online mortgage capacity calculators available.
- Credible – The report also gives your financial settlement greater creditability when dealing with your solicitor and/or court staff including the judge presiding over your divorce.
- Informative – The report does not recommend a specific lender and product, however, it will provide example illustrations comparing current Fixed interest rates against Variable interest rates, the monthly Repayments and will demonstrate all other likely mortgage costs.
- Cost-effective – If you require your own as well as your partners mortgage capacity for divorce purposes then we can be instructed on a joint basis. This will provide you with one report detailing both parties mortgage capacity for one fee.
- Detailed – We can also provide details of your mortgage capacity based on any number of financial situations.
If you are ready to fill out a Mortgage Fact-find please use the following links below: