Our Advice:
Our advice service aims to choose the right products for you. Once this service is complete, you’ll will leave with recommendations that suit your aspirations and will impact on the future of your finance overtime.
Ongoing advice is available to you – see below for ongoing advice charges – if not, you are always welcome to contact us again in the future if you require further advice.
What we will charge:
Initial charge: 3%
Ongoing charge: 0.5%
Depending on the size of your portfolio these charges may be reduced.
Initial financial advice
Our advice aims to choose the best investments for your situation and current circumstances.
Our expert advisers will create a portfolio of investments that will meet your requirements. If you have existing investments, we can help adjust these, so they fit in to your current aims and goals.

Ongoing financial advice
If you go ahead with on-going advice, you and your adviser will review your portfolio annually, making sure your recommendations are still best suited to your situation.